Moving out or changing apartments
Explore guidelines for moving out and the possibility of changing apartments.
Time to move out of the aparment?
Your living space may no longer meet your needs, or you might be seeking a change in your living area.
In changed life situations, we strive to find a more suitable home for your needs. Explore the possibilities of changing apartments and let’s start searching for a new home.
A new home might have been found elsewhere, and our paths diverge completely at this point. Whether you find a new home with us or elsewhere, please carefully review the instructions for those moving out.

Instructions for moving out
Thank you for letting us provide you with a home. Please review the moving out instructions and contact our customer service if needed.
You can also find these instructions on pages 22-24 of the Resident’s Guide.
The lease is terminated with a written signed notice or electronically via the Resident Pages by logging in with online banking credentials. The notice period is one calendar month, and the contract ends at the end of the month following the termination.
For example, if you want the lease to end on May 31st, the termination must be made by April 30th. Sauna slots and parking spaces are automatically terminated with the apartment and do not require separate cancellation.
Please note that without the landlord’s permission, the tenant cannot temporarily transfer the rental rights to another person. All occupants must be registered in the building directory.
After terminating the lease, the apartment’s condition will be inspected by the property manager. Please note that this inspection, or “pre-inspection,” is conducted before the tenant moves out, and the property manager will contact the tenant in advance. Ensure your contact information is up-to-date.
The termination form can be printed, filled out, and returned signed to our office. See detailed instructions on the Forms and Notifications page.
All apartment keys, parking keys, and other keys must be returned by the specified time upon termination (but no later than the next business day by 12 pm after the contract’s end date) to Certego Oy’s office, Monday to Friday, 8 am–4 pm, or to the return box located outside Certego’s premises at Myllymäenkatu 25.
If returning keys to the drop box, ensure they are bundled or in a small C6 envelope with clear address details. NOTE! Please return the keys to the box with the logo of Lappeenrannan Asuntopalvelu Oy, and which says “Avainpalautukset”. The keys cannot be left in Certego’s letter mailbox.
Keys must not be left in the apartment.
Failure to return all keys will necessitate rekeying at the departing tenant’s expense. Lost electronic keys will be charged at their purchase price.
The apartment must be cleaned so that the new tenant can immediately occupy it. Post-move, an apartment inspection will confirm its condition and cleanliness.
Failure to clean or leaving belongings behind will result in cleaning charges deducted from the deposit or billed separately. Normal wear and tear from living and the apartment’s age are considered during inspection. Worn and dirty are different matters.
Move-out cleaning checklist includes:
- Turn off the refrigerator and defrost the freezer section so that water does not leak onto the floor, leave the doors of the cabinet open
- Clean the stove and refrigerator both inside and outside, as well as their backs
- Clean the grease filter of the range hood
- Clean the kitchen cabinets and drawers inside and out
- Wash the toilet and hand basin
- Cleaning the floor drain
- Wash the apartment sauna
- Clean all ventilation vents
- Vacuum all floor surfaces
- Wash all surfaces and floors
- Wipe all stains from doors and walls, including the apartment’s front door
- Leave the jigsaw mirror in place, removing it will damage the surface
- If any bulbs in the apartment’s fixed lighting (e.g., in the bathroom and oven) have burned out, replace them with new ones
- Put all parts of the light fixture back in place, including the wire connectors
- Remove your own light fixtures
- Leave the peephole and safety lock in place
- Wash and close the windows (only from the inside during freezing weather)
- Leave the blinds in place
- If you had your own dishwasher, put the cabinet that was in its place back
- Remember to cap the water and drain connections for the dishwasher and washing machine
- Empty and clean the balcony
- Empty and clean the personal storage
- Empty and clean the building’s cold storage (if there is one in the building)
- Items to be thrown away, such as furniture, televisions, etc., must not be left in the waste bin
If the apartment has been poorly maintained and something has also been damaged, compensation will be charged according to the price list below. The price list reflects average costs. The Housing Service reserves the right to price changes. Actions not mentioned in the price list will be billed according to actual costs.
If the deposit is used for repair costs or unpaid rent, you will be informed as soon as possible.
If all obligations are met, the deposit will be returned to the account specified upon termination within approximately two weeks.

Notification of moving and termination of contracts
Remember to submit a notification of moving in time when moving out. Cancel your electricity contract with your electricity company.
Terminate or transfer your electricity contract to a new address with your electricity company. Remember to also cancel your broadband agreement.
When moving out, remember to cancel your broadband contract with Telia or, if moving to another Housing Services apartment, manage the transfer to your new address.
Contact Telia directly online at (in Finnish) or by calling customer service at 0200 11611. Remember to cancel any other applicable contracts as well.